4 Quality Options for a Table of Contents Block in WordPress
Offering a table of contents block in WordPress for blog posts (or really any other type of long-ish written content) is a good idea for two reasons.
- It helps users jump around in the post for what they need (and hopefully doesn’t get in the way).
- It’s provides SEO value.
The RankMath SEO plugin factors it in as part of your page score (suggesting you should have one), because of that second point. See what Google likely gives you if you do it right:

It makes sense that other WordPress SEO Plugins like Yoast offer a table of contents block as a baked-in additional feature of the plugin. If you’re committed to using Yoast, then I think it’s fine to just use that. But I admit it’s not my favorite to feel locked to a plugin because it offers a microfeature that you then depend on.
So what are the options?